Friendly, simple anonymous bot

Because too many ideas never see the sunlight.

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Get honest feedback
When asked right, anonymous question is a powerful way to collect feedback from your teammates.
Host inclusive AMAs
Let your team speak up with confidence at townhalls, all-hands meetings and ask-me-anything sessions.
Steer out of politics
There are 15 different biases people are prone to. Free your discussions from unecessary prejudice.

Too many brilliant ideas are never shared

So much feedback is never spoken! Fear of rejection blocks us from asking the right questions and confronting the management.

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Kiwi Says APP
What if we do something totally different? 🤔
Kiwi Says APP
That might sound silly but maybe we could intergrate with Slack? 😬
Kiwi Says APP
Bold idea: Lets make it upside down!

Let your team speak up

Kiwi is backed with years of experience in messaging industry. The app is lightweight, secure and most importantly – it let’s your team speak up.

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For teams of any size to share crazy ideas

Up to 10 users


+10 users


/ user / month